Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Three Simple Words to Transform a Life

I viewed this video a few weeks ago.It impacted me on many levels. The song and music are very soothing to my soul. It is my hearts cry at a level I am not completely aware of except to say that I am...if that makes sense.

The music as a backdrop to a tribute to Ruth Bell Graham is moving in and of itself. She was married for 60+ years to the worlds best known evangelist, Billy Graham. While he ministered around the world,she raised their children and was his helpmate. She wrote books and had her own ministry all the while being Billy Graham's wife.

Above and beyond that, her highest calling was in response to her Savior.He was her all in all as evidenced by her life, her families heartfelt recollections, her own writings and her life as she lived it.

As I watched this I was captivated by the love expressed for her by her husband and children.Simply, they knew their mother loved God and His Son Jesus. A lifetime spent observing her had convinced them of this. Billy spoke of the "reception" he imagined her arriving to in Heaven as she went Home.His broken heart rejoiced in this fact.

Beyond all the words of the family is the anthem of the song.."Give Me Jesus"...

As a wife and mother I can only imagine how often in her life, this was her hearts cry. During all the days and nights when her husband was not beside her...When loneliness or frustration might have been a close friend...While she brought the truth of Gods Word to her world , as her husband did to the world at large... "Give Me Jesus" ...three simple words that transformed her life and countless others because of her.

My hearts desire is to want Jesus more than anything or anyone else...and to be content in the places He's placed me. My life has not been one like Ruth Bell Graham's. I feel so unworthy even discussing her life and mine in the same sentence.EXCEPT for Jesus. He is the common thread in our existence.He died to redeem both of us.He gave us husbands and children to love and nurture.He had a plan for our lives.

She inspires me. She encourages me. She was a Godly woman, whom I pray I am becoming. She asked for Jesus in every corner of her life.It appears as if He was there with her by the evidence of her life.

"You can have all this world.... but give me Jesus."

Join me in experiencing this tribute to a Godly woman. The Bible says in Titus 2: 3-5 "..the older women likewise, that they may be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine,teachers of good things - that they may admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers,good ,obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be blasphemed."

As we see her life, her writings, her legacy we see this Word alive in its directive. Thank you Ruth Graham, for your example and inspiration. I,for one, am touched and moved to see life differently through adopting this cry..."give me Jesus".


Monday, September 3, 2012

And. A Little Word With Great Implications.

We have been on a "staycation". It was wonderful to be off work and on a "normal" schedule for the past month. We relaxed and got a lot of jobs done around our home. We saw friends and hung out alone. We spent time with our kids and found out our son and daughter in love are moving to Portland, Oregon this upcoming week.

And. The little three letter word here in these lines I've written  where everything becomes so very layered. The little word that connects so many different situations and feelings. The word that delivers a connection between  one thought or action and another, although  they can be completely unrelated or opposed in nature or feelings.

For example, we rested on vacation because we were on a totally different schedule and didn't HAVE to be anywhere except where we chose to be. By virtue of that non commitment, we were relaxed. On the other hand, we did tons of organizing, deep cleaning, and getting rid of stuff , which was actually a ton of work. Therefore relaxed and working hard co-existed in our lives. And.

We have been praying for years for our son and his wife that God would lead them and do in them what He wants to do to make them who He's called them to be. We knew they were interested in possibly living somewhere else before they totally settle down and raise a family...if they do.We knew Portland was a place that they have visited and loved. We knew this was a total possibility and probability and we are struggling in our hearts with it. And.

We are excited for them,and sad at our longing for them to be near. We are confident of Gods answered prayer and yet leery of carrying the cross He has set before us.We are joy filled at the beginnings this may offer them,and less joyous at the ending this represents  in our proximity to them. We are peaceful because we believe our God hears us and answers our prayers, and every door they have walked near has blown open and yet there is a part of us that  has a tummy ache because we know "goodbye" is looming ahead and that is a door we do not want to open. And.

Isaiah 43 : 2 says "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you cross rivers, you will not drown. When you walk through fire , you will not be burned., nor will the flames hurt you."

God did not use the conjunction and  in His Word, in the above verse,  but  He clearly understands the concept of opposing ideas.

It is indeed possible and probable that life will often present us with these kinds of dualities. He is not ignorant to the feelings we may have, but He is above and beyond those feelings. He is our Refuge and our   Hiding Place. He offers us His peace and it is like no other comfort  known to man. Beyond our understanding or imagining, yet able to fill us completely in the ways only our Creator would know.
For He states in His Word in Philippians 4: 6 and 7 the following ; " Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to God. And God's peace  (shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is), that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ."

It is in this season of all of our lives that we will walk in the reality of the word and. Our Father loves us and He has a plan for us and  only He knows the days and seasons of each of our lives. May His will be done and  may we glorify Him throughout this "adventure", as my beloved kids call this move.