Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas in My Heart

As we have entered the Christmas season, I have been highly aware of the many ways people approach this celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. For some it is just a commercial holiday that involves gift giving, family times,Christmas cheer and parties.For others it centers around the birth of Christ and has very little to do with commercialism. And for others, it is a blending of the two, as they see and find value in all the seasons traditions and merriment, while at the core of what they celebrate is the birth of the Savior of mankind, and all that means in their life. I am one of those who has always blended the two...while often feeling judged that I did.

This year I am feeling so free and blessed in celebrating this Christmas season. I am feeling joy and gratitude and wonder and magic. I am integrating the truth of God sending His Son to save the world from themselves, in a tiny baby in a manger in Bethlehem, with the whimsy of tiny elves and prancing reindeer and the joy of giving gifts to express love. They co-exist in the heart of me. While some may want to argue the points of commercialism, or the celebration of a religious holiday versus a pagan celebration of that holiday, I want to fully express the joy I feel in all of the festivities.

As this song conveys a message of offering all praise and worship to Jesus, our Savior- I too allow my expression of all things Christmas to shout out my love and gratitude to God for sending His Son to save mankind. I recognize the absolute truth in the gift of Jesus and I rejoice in that truth by this day living my life unto Him a celebration of all He has made me to be.That celebration includes for me, a manger scene as well as candy canes and garland and santas and elves and snowmen.All of this brings me joy and smiles on my face and whimsy in my heart.God has created and made ALL things and it is to His credit that we get to enjoy them.He is the giver of all gifts and so I find it difficult to separate them into either "pagan or commercial or religious" categories. I do not want to.I choose to celebrate Jesus, my Savior and His birth and all God intended from that. That has been the call upon my life and the trajectory from which my life changed and grew.Without Jesus, there is no life, no hope for me.He is my Redeemer and Lord.He is the Rock upon whom my life stands.He is also the Creator of the Universe and all things beautiful and wonderful and whimsical...because without His giftings unto men there would be no creativity.So I open my arms to all the whimsy and make believe and magic and wonder...because its all because of Him anyway. He is the Creator, the Designer, and the Giver of all gifts. I am the one receiving it all and embracing it and I am just overjoyed and grateful.

I think what I'm trying to say here is that I can be both a Worshipper at the manger in Bethlehem and ultimately at the Cross of Calvary....while still entertaining visions of sugarplums in my head.and reindeer and elves and the spirit of Santa Claus and Father Christmas. Without Christ, nothing exists that does exist.He holds all things together.He is the Alpha and the Omega.Instead I choose to thank Him for all the good and wonder and whimsy and celebrate it. I play it out every year in my Christmas decorations. I play it out every day in my creativity and the way I am attracted to whimsical decor.I allow myself to be who He created me to be, without judgement of being pagan or worldly, because I enjoy whimsical things. My ability to enjoy life and be creative comes from the God who created and redeemed me.He alone sees our hearts and why we are who we are. As we walk with Him, He will change and transform us as He sees fit. I am so happy to be celebrating Jesus and Christmas with my family and friends and knowing that it is all a gift from Him. In turn I offer my MERRY CHRISTMAS to Him...all the cards, the lights, the garland and decor...the baking and the candlelights burning...the whimsical characters that make me smile...each present chosen  and wrapped  for those I love...are all a thank you and a celebration of my Lord and all He has gifted me in this life.

For years , I worried and felt judged that possibly even in Christmas , I might be "doing it wrong". My heart was so belonging to Jesus..but I loved everything whimsical about the holiday as well. I wanted it all to celebrate Him but I liked some of the whimsy and fun aspects as well...the worldly things I guess. Now I understand that I am not of this world , so what I celebrate could not be of this world. If you choose to celebrate Christmas another way or not at all, I agree with your God given right to choose. I also will not shudder under peoples judgement that as a Christian, I cannot enjoy some of the whimsical things of Christmas. I can. I am free in Christ and I have liberty in Him.

Merry Christmas to all. Happy Birthday Jesus,my Savior. Thank you for making all things new in You.