Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Power In Prayer Journaling

I have been praying and listening more and writing less. Well here at least. The thrust of most of my writing lately has been in my prayer journal.

In part, this was due to our knowing about our on the way grandbaby,while having to keep quiet about it for awhile.Naturally I was ecstatic and wanted to shout from the rooftops.On the other hand, we wanted to respect the kids wishes.Therein lied the dilemma, Where oh where do I take this joy and praise and yes, even fears? The answer became very clear as I had to do something with the overwhelming emotions.Take them to Jesus.

Throughout the months, as I waited for the green light to share both privately and on FB, about this blessed event, many emotions were flooding my heart. Joy, Gratitude,a Humbling at Gods goodness,and even fear of my own unworthiness to be a Mimi to this precious Little One. Of course, satan had to stir the pot.He is always lurking to "kill, steal and destroy"- the great "accuser of the brethren" that he is. However this time, as he ran at me fists filled with lies and downgrades and arrows full of deceit and propoganda...the precious Holy Spirit of God deflected those destructive messages with the purest love and generosity of heart as He pointed me to the heart of prayer and worship.

Because I had a secret, I felt very alone in some ways. However that thought only lasted a few moments.In reality, I am never alone for He has promised to "never leave me or forsake me". He never "slumbers or sleeps" and always is paying attention to His own. He knows all about me and all my thoughts,emotions or anxieties and He collects "every tear I ever shed". He wants me to have "abundant life" and to "call upon the name of the Lord". His "mercies are new every morning" and "His rod and staff comfort me". He alone "knows the plans He has for me " and they are for good! He wants me "to work out my salvation" and accomplish what He has for me in this life..."to will and to work His good pleasure". These are just a few of the morsels of Gods Word that He recurrently brought to my mind that I might not feel alone nor fall for the enemy of my souls lies or tricks. I intentionally did not look up chapter and verse here to cite the address or to validate Gods Word. His Word stands. In my heart. In my life.In the transforming power it brings to each persons life as we simply listen and believe.

As the opportunity to write ( pray ) in my prayer journal went on I could hear often the Holy Spirit speaking truth into me and thus dispelling the lies of the accuser. The more I wrote, the more I heard as I was surrendering to the Lords picture of things as He sees them and not the deceptiveness of satans untruths. As we ( the Spirit and I ) went along I began to feel empowered to pray even more for the Little One and all God has for dedicate them to Jesus and His Kingdom and to pray blessings over them and for he or she to come to Christ at an early age and live a life protected and empowered by Him. As the prayers became alive and more real, certainly the worship at Gods Majesty and dominion became a part of the process and my heart became alive with hope. Hope in Christ. Hope for the Little One. Hope for this Mimi who knows her foundation and ONLY legacy lies in the love gifted her by Jesus and then in turn shared with those He gave her in this earthly life.No liar, or demon of Hell can overcome that.

This may not be a great sample of writing. This is however a great testimony to the faithfulness of God. To the amazing power of His Word. To the comfort and encouragement of the Holy Spirit.And last but not least, the courage and fight within a mother or a grandmother to love and protect and pray for her children or grand babies. I fought a good fight for my kids, while battling demons from my past at the same time. Gods grace and mercy were ever present. Now I feel even more equipped by the power of the Holy Spirit to wage war on this Little Ones behalf.

satan, you are a liar and a thief.

you were and are defeated in the name of Jesus, the One and Only true God.

your games and tricks have stumbled many.

We get up in the name of Jesus Christ, We go on in His Spirit.We "overcome by the power of His blood."

My only claim to fame and my only legacy is in The King and His Kingdom.And against Him, nothing shall prevail.

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