Thursday, August 29, 2013

Staycation:A Trip Worth Taking

As staycation slowly winds down and the end is in sight, I find myself sad at its departure and yet so grateful and refreshed at its existence.

Setting out on staycation, we certainly had things in mind to do and to accomplish. We were able to do both.

Getting things done around your home that you put off during the work week and weekends, feels tremendously good to me.I am detail oriented by nature, and a re-covering perfectionist (LOL) and so I just have to get to things eventually. Ray may not exactly feel this way, but he does hop on board every year and together we accomplish what has previously been ignored. Because we are aging I count on that help and togetherness much more than when I was young and "could do it myself". The benefits  of a long and lasting love affair and marriage are countless. You started off young,knowing everything, and in a hurry to get on with life.As life moved on, you became aware of how little you knew, and how that helpmate just might know some things you not only didn't  know ,but never cared to know.It takes place on both sides of the relationship and you begin to amass more knowledge, respect, wisdom and love. I can sit for hours and listen to my husband talk. For years, he was quiet and by some measuring sticks he still may be, but when its just he and I the conversation flows.I love it that it does. It speaks volumes to me of years for both of us, where we were neither seen , heard or valued. But God in His great mercy and wisdom saw us and directed us to one another to both love and heal one another.I neither saw this possibility nor imagined it as a young bride. As we worked on various chores during staycation, I was able to see how we have grown and matured.I do not have to get it all done today and perfectly at that. He does not have to be aggravated at who I am or how I am and be immature in response to me. Together we have come to know its okay to be who we are as individuals, and to realize that together we are better than we are alone and to be team players in order to get where we are going.It is a blessing to see these things in the midst of chores. And life is kind of like that. The busyness and work of life is ever present. But what do we miss along the way that could give us joy? What lessons are right in front of us? What blessings do we overlook in the chaos? My prayer is that as we go back to the work place, that we are able to remember some of what we had time to see on staycation.

After the chores and "have-to's" we moved onto seeing our kids visiting from Portland and our friends,whom we rarely see because of Rays work schedule and long hours and fatigue.

Blessings. Abundance of Heart .Laughter. Comfort. Hopes and Dreams.

There is no love like a parents love for their children. To be able to spend time together when you have been separated is like no other time. You wish you could freeze moments and pull them out at anytime for an extra dose of love on a bad day. Instead you treasure them and breathe them in slowly to not miss a single second.As a parent to see your adult children re-united and carrying on as they always have, is both rewarding and refreshing. My kids enjoy one another and the craziness of their laughter and ridiculous names they have for one another, make my heart smile so wide. It takes me back to days gone by, of best friends and siblings, co-existing in the rooms of our home.It reminds me of the speech I gave them as young children, that one day daddy and I would be gone, and they would have friends and spouses, but they alone are sister and brother and to not take it lightly nor  for granted.Of the legacy God has given to Ray and I, through these amazing people He created in my womb. I am truly humbled by Gods grace and faithfulness to us and our family.In the midst of these emotions and recollections, I am aware of my Fathers love towards me. It is beyond imagining because I love my children so deeply. Yet I know His is the perfect love and beyond all we can think or imagine.Another lesson in the daily school of life and staycation..

I have always heard that "if you have a handful of friends, you are blessed".It is true. As a young person and teenager I was pretty outgoing and prided myself on having lots of friends. Even as a young couple, Ray and I had a lot of people to hang out with and have fun with . Friends. As time went on and life had its ups and downs, and maybe life wasn't all we thought or hoped it would be, how funny the drop off of friends.Due to LIFE, perhaps we were not as fun as we once were. Or perhaps we had some challenges from our past we needed to address and were not so perfect as we once appeared. I mean we never were. That was a cover-up anyway.The bottom line is, I really began to assess what a friend was, and what being a friend was. We now have some wonderful friends. I have two very good friends in Heaven whom I cannot wait to be re-united with.Our friends these days know exactly who we are, and what our quirks or struggles are and they love and support us just the same.They are patient with horrible working hours and dozing eyes from sleepiness.They are understanding or at least accepting of someone with many wounds and scars like me.They are loved and appreciated by us. So as in all things looked at today, the old saying has merit. We are blessed.It is not the number of friends one has, but the blessedness of the friendship."Thank you for being a friend".

Lastly, I would like to talk about the refreshment of being in Gods Word and presence, with no time constraints.This was the most rewarding and renewing of staycations benefits. Prayer, worship, reading and fellowship whenever. No schedules or timelines.Free to hear and be heard.So awesome to sit in His presence and be still and know that He is God.To be filled with so much gratitude that the lump in your throat barely moves.To be at peace in a world that makes no sense.To come to Him with a prayer list knowing He cares for you and those you care for. To recognize His faithfulness and grace abounds.

All of this amidst the same struggles and seemingly unanswered prayers.Mandy still has no contracted job. But she has a job.Mocha has some presenting health issues.But she is still wagging her tail and happy and has none of the symptoms they say she should have.Ray and I are nearing retirement and have many questions and few answers at this point.I have a year until my 40th Wedding Anniversary and I had a weight I was heading for. I'm still heading there but not where I'd hoped I'd be by now. Still struggling.But I know Who I am in this journey with and the countless promises He makes towards His own are mine. No matter what the situation or feeling ,it is my responsibility and privilege to lay it down at His throne. Sometimes its hard,but it gets easier.As I cried every time I looked into Mocha's eyes last week, I had to let her go. I told my Father in Heaven, I knew He had given her to us and He knows how much we love her. Then I said Lord I put Mocha in Your Hands. I have had peace since then and only the start of the feeling of a tear welling up.Instead of going with the sad, I go with the visual of my beautiful big chocolate Lab in the palm of my Heavenly Father's Hands.

I told Ray the other day, that although we have not traveled far and wide, or eaten exotic foods or even done what some consider customary for vacation...I feel so blessed and adventurous.As God allows me to sink more into Him ,I see so much open up before the eyes of my spirit.I want to go back and visit the places of refreshment, renewal and hope. He truly is My Hiding Place.Staycation or not.

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